Welcome to Lolaark Vision Inc.!
A Research & Development Company Specialized in Visibility Enhancement for Digital Videos and still Images
Autonomous Vehicles | Marine Operations | Security And Surveillance | Biomedical Imaging
Introduction to Lolaark Vision
Numerous factors can degrade video or still photo clarity in various outdoor conditions. Among the most challenging of them are low illumination; turbid water as in lakes, rivers, or seaports; precipitation such as fog, rain, and smoke, or other aerosols generating a hazy atmosphere. Our research work culminated in the founding of a new startup Lolaark Vision Inc. and the development of a prototype of a disruptive video clean-up technology that has the potential to improve the efficiency and efficacy of operations requiring real-time visibility enhancement of videos and photos.
Click on the icons below to discover how Lolaark Vision’s new technology changes imaging:
How We Do It?
Shade, low light, glare, strong headlights, fog, heavy rain and murky waters reduce camera visibility. Even if night or low vision mode is used, under certain circumstances telling what is what in a scene may be challenging. Lolaark Vision Inc has developed unique prototype software showing that it is possible to increase the visibility of a scene captured in live video mode to enhance navigational and operational safety and efficiency.
Our software design principles take into account that poor video clarity in a foggy scene, for instance, is not just a lack of contrast problem. It is a combination of this problem along with other optical effects resulting from the interaction of light with atmospheric or more generally, optical medium conditions.
Thus we employ sophisticated mathematical algorithms to recover the various significant shape objects and selectively enhance those and at the same time suppress clutter to a significant extent.