How Visual Conditions Affect Self-Driving Car Software?

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If you have a self-driving car software you may have read in the instructions manual that the driver must be monitoring the system at all times. Driving automation often relies on inputs from a number of sensors. Other than cameras, cars have proximity sensors. The car’s computer processes all this information and determines what the car should do at any given time.

A couple of weeks ago, our company started a research project involving two professors from the Mathematics department of the University of Houston, Dr. Cathy Polyak, a statistician, our CEO, and two of Dr. Polyak’s master’s students aiming in understanding how illumination variability and weather affect object detection and recognition in real-time detectors. We focus on the most popular, the YOLO detector.

Lolaark Vision yesterday gave a research gift to the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics that will support the MSc. students who work on the project during the summer months. In the picture below, the College’s Chief Business Administrator receives the research gift from our CEO, Professor Papadakis.

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