Lolaark Vision Open House This Sunday June 19th

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This is a reminder for our open house on SUNDAY, June 19th starting at 1100AM CDT (daylight savings time), or 1600 (GMT). Click on to join.

We want to listen to your comments and opinions, answer questions, and suggestions, and share with you our thoughts and plans for the future, short-term and mid-term. We will also show you the beta version of our product that will be used for the June and July sea trials, and the third-party certification process.

Below you can see the new look of the GUI of our Lolaark Vision 1.0. The system works for a number of resolutions and frame rates with a maximum the 1920×1080 at 24 frames per second. Lower resolutions now work at 30 frames per second. We remark that our prototype only allowed 720p and 480p resolutions at 24 frames per second.

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