Prince of Darkness Part 2

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Night-time driving is challenging especially when weather conditions are not favorable but is also hard for cars equipped with self-driving software. If the interpretation of street hazards is difficult for us it is also equally or even more difficult for object detectors that work between the sensor and the driving controls. Is there software that is ready to fully control a car and replace the driver? Our answer is not yet. There is very good software developed for driving automation but it has not reached full driving automation readiness yet because of the unpredictability that a few infrequent yet risky conditions may pose.

The driver should be ready to take over at any given time. On other hand, integrating cameras and proximity sensors in a unified information presentation screen on the windshield may be the answer for future cars with driving assistance software. The driver should be able to view on the windshield the original night view augmented with an enhanced, clear, daytime view or the road ahead a sunny day can offer with their own eyes. The answer is to integrate the Lolaark Vision technology into a smart windshield like the one below. Our campaign getting closer to the closing date. Don’t stay on the sidelines, Invest now. Our campaign closes soon.

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