9 Days Before Closing Oil and Gas Startups Podcast Features Lolaark Vision

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Last week I was invited by the Digital Wildcatters who have a popular podcast in the Oil and Gas Industry. The podcast is dedicated to showcasing emerging technologies being developed and marketed by Oil and Gas startups. Lolaark Vision is featured on the September 5th podcast. Our CEO, Emanuel Papadakis discussed with Collin McLelland what Lolaark Vision Inc is doing and how its technology can be utilized in the Oil and Gas industry, how it can be plugged into artificial intelligence apps such as self-driving cars, and what the hidden problems of AI are. You can listen to the podcast by clicking here, Go to podcast 188.

Waiting to invest? Listen to the podcast, it answers a lot of questions about the scientific concepts empowering our technology and its potential applications to modern AI-powered camera apps.

CrowdFunding URL: https://www.startengine.com/Lolaark

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