Lolaark Vision Technology for Surveillance Cameras

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A few days ago a Ukrainian Antonov-type cargo plane flying from Serbia to Bangladesh over Greece suffered a serious engine fire. With the help of the software, we develop for the enhancement and clarification of live video streams we processed a video clip from a security camera originally broadcasted by a Greek TV station.

Embedding a video clip into another video clip implies that repeated compression was applied. With some extra effort, we managed to extract a view of the plane’s silhouette as it flew through the field of view of a security camera as it was flying to a nearby airstrip. It appears that the fuselage is still one piece. We managed with LV to get rid of the glare caused by the engine fire. This requires the use of some unconventional settings we don’t typically use with our software.

The output picture will look to you strange. The settings we used aimed at extracting shapes only and, in particular, the plane’s silhouette, which is a bit hard to see in the original video footage. The plane is at the center top of the picture still airborne. Security cameras are one of the future vertical markets we want to develop. After beginning the marketing of LV of the live subaquatic video clarifier we will begin adopting the system for drones.

Lolaark Vision Technology for Surveillance Cameras | Visibility Enhancement - Lolaark Vision

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